A web address has become as universal and ever-present as a phone number or signature. Memorable URLs are starting to replace company and service names entirely (think hotels.com).
To accommodate the growing demand for domains, the Internet’s most recent evolution includes a select number of city-wide domains. This expansion is aimed at giving locals an unprecedented way to leverage their location online.
New York City tops a list that includes London, Berlin, and Paris, but will be one of the first major cities in the US to debut a gTLD.
The goal: give every New Yorker a way to make the power of their location part of their online identity.
No one knows .nyc’s potential more than New Yorkers themselves. So to get started, we’re celebrating the iconic “Own It” attitude New Yorkers are known for by giving you a way to relive and create city history with .nyc.
From now through the fall, make the Moment to Own It Countdown your daily dose of the infinite moments that make NYC second-to-none.
Tell us how the city plays a role in your ideas, work and vision by tagging #moment2ownit to your Tweets & Instagrams. This is how you can join other influential NYers in showing the rest of the world why .nyc will be the biggest domain launch in the history of the Internet.
This will be a must-follow and RT on social media. YouTube celebrity Casey Neistat, New York Normal artist a Rebecca Sloat, and Rock-a-fella Record’s vocalist Bridget Kelly are just a few of the Internet A-listers we’ve tapped to grab New York City’s attention.
Stay tuned, as we continue to surprise, recognize and reward New Yorkers for they many ways they make NYC what it is. This is your moment New York, Own It.